Transdermal Magnesium For Women
Is cellulite reduction efficient with Transdermal Magnesium ‘Zechstein Inside®’?
First things first, how does our diet play into the creation
of cellulite? How does excessive
carbohydrate consumption (carbs, pastas,
breads, rice, juice, fruits, sugars) in this “sugar century” contribute to our
cellulite? A small handful of fiber-rich quality carbs with your balanced meal
of protein and some cooked, some raw, and some fermented vegetables is not the
same as a pasta meal with a soda or juice.There is a huge difference here! The
body uses some of the carbs we eat for energy, but every gram over the needed
carb limit per meal can be transformed into saturated fat that is then
stored throughout the body. This transformation or conversion process is
a backup system in the event that saturated fats of good quality are not to be
found in the environment. In former times, there was an adage that said that
the daily consumption of butter made the skin beautiful. However with the
modern demonization of noble saturated fats, we have lost a fundamental ally in
the strengthening of our skin’s actual structure, in reducing
inflammation, in helping us avoid the dry skin phenomenon and in the effective
removal of toxins (through the lymphatic system and the bile for example).
Which brings us to the other point of concern which is how do toxins contribute
to our difficulty in reducing, removing or releasing cellulite and how does the
“Zechstein Inside®” Transdermal Magnesium play a favourable role in
regenerating the structure of our tissues and thus in the elimination of
toxins? We have listed the known functions of magnesium which demonstrate
its essential role in the reduction of cellulite, a widespread problem affecting
90% of women today.
Magnesium contributes to our structural development and is
necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA, especially in the conjunctive
tissues. All the components of this essential connective tissue, in which we
store cellulite, depend on magnesium. Four macro-molecules form the conjunctive tissue:
● Collagen: high quality magnesium is needed to
modulate its synthesis and degradation.
● Elastin: high quality magnesium is needed
to modulate its synthesis and degradation.
● Proteoglycans: regulated by magnesium and
allow the conjunctive tissues to resist compression.
● Glycoproteins: regulated by
magnesium and allow tissue healing.
Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural process of
self-cleaning and detoxification within the body. Muscle contraction, which
depends on magnesium, works in tandem with the lymphatic system for the
elimination of lipids from the interstitial fluid. Some of these lipids return
to the bloodstream to be filtered by the liver, with the secretions of the gall
bladder to finally be eliminated in the stool with these lipophilic toxins.
Magnesium is required for:
● The synthesis of the primordial antioxidant:
glutathione, the great detoxifier of the organism.
● Transporting a number of nutrients through the membrane
into the cells.
● Improve insulin secretion and help transport it to the
● Eliminate damage to DNA generated by environmental
mutagens and toxins.
● Active transport of calcium and potassium ions through
cell membranes.
● Stimulate the potassium / sodium pump on the cell wall,
triggering the cellular cleaning process.
● Protect the brain and heart from the toxic effects of
● Protect cells from aluminium, mercury, lead, cadmium,
beryllium and nickel.
● The detoxification and chelation of heavy metals.
● The elimination of toxic ammonia from the body.
Magnesium is needed for energy production, metabolism,
phosphorylation and glycolysis. Magnesium also plays a role in the active
transport of calcium and potassium ions through cell membranes, an important
process for the conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and heart
rhythm. In other words, the healthy rhythm of the body!
Why use Transdermal Magnesium “Zechstein Inside®”? Can
any magnesium be used for these effects?
● The purity of our magnesium is a major asset in
detoxifying the body. It is the ONLY Transdermal Magnesium extracted with
spring water, without refining or chemical purification. Chemical purification
is the industry standard due to low quality source material. Our products
undergo zero transformation. A truly raw, natural state product.
● The “Zechstein Inside®” is the first choice recommended to
doctors by the European Magnesium Health Institute.
● We use noble glass to avoid the contamination of
phthalates due to soft plastics. Endocrine disruptors and their effects are
real, several studies confirm their harmful effects on the hormonal system,
leading up to cancer and even from small amounts of daily doses.
● You can contact our source directly to check the quality
and origin of our products (Source: Zechstein Inside® Netherlands,
crystallised sea 2 km underground).
● We have an advantage over thalassotherapy and spa based
minerals because our magnesium is not contaminated by modern marine pollution
or radioactivity.
For cellulite: 6-12 month application (12-24 months
depending on the level of cellulite). Apply to affected areas (10-20 pumps),
massage well, let it sit for 20-25 minutes, then shower / rinse without soaping
or lathering the chosen areas.
For detoxification : 4 month application (6 months if necessary).
Apply to the upper body (10-20 sprays), let sit for 20 minutes. Shower / rinse
without soaping or lathering the chosen areas.
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