Zechstein Magnesium: The Purest Form of Magnesium

Magnesium is a vital mineral needed for almost 600 physiological processes inside the human body. The rise of modern lifestyle and processed foods, however, ha s significantly depleted a person’s magnesium intake for the past decade and this has led to a number of magnesium-deficiency related diseases. Furthermore, the consumption of magnesium-rich diet is evidently not enough to support a healthy level of magnesium in the body. This is where the oral supplements and topical solutions come in. What is Zechstein Inside® Magnesium? Zechstein Magnesium is the purest and most organic form of magnesium chloride that is available in the market. It is collected from the buried Zechstein Seabed, a deep underground that is 250 million years old and was once active during the Mesozoic Era (the times of the dinosaurs). What makes Transdermal Magnesium - Zechstein Inside® Magnesium so special? Unlike most magnesium chloride collected from Tibetan exploitation or Salt Lake s , Zechs...