Transdermal Magnesium – Why choose glass packaging instead of plastic?

According to Professor Daniel F. Schmidt, a plastic engineer at the University of Massachusetts, we have insufficient perspective regarding current research on alternatives to phthalates. He states “in 20 years’ time there will probably be the same controversy about alternatives to phthalates as there has been in this decade concerning Bisphenol and other endocrine disrupting compounds. Even if some other types of plastics «tolerated» by the EU or the USA do exist and are now in usage, the problem is not yet solved, to say the least.” The only way to be sure is to use glass bottles, this limits the cumulative effects of soft plastic containers. Hard plastics are less of a problem. Our capsules and tubes are BPA, DEHP, PVC and phtalate free. We only recommend noble glass bottles for transdermal applications as these 18. Transdermal Magnesium plastics absorb into the product and cannot be filtered or removed. The last important point concerning the use of glass contai...